Tuesday 23 October 2012

Filming our stop motion:

  • Today we planned to film our stop motion sequence for our music video, we tested out different concepts but unfortunately we did not suceed today, as the lighting was not what we wanted. The lighting seemed extremely dark, however many artifical lights we used to try and correct this it did not seem to work, as you can see from the pictures above.
However today was a learning process, as it taught us that we are going to use a predominantly white room alongside a reflector in order to create the bright, vibrant aesthetic that we want to achieve. It also taught us how important lighting is, even with stop motion as it creates a dynamic to the shot.

Next lesson we plan on correcting our errors by carrying out the process i mentioned above as well as adding the backdrop that we created. We plan on using mid shots and close ups predominately, as these shots would be conventionally used by weather stations, in order to focus on the weather girls face and the weather itself. We are going to make sure various close ups are used as this will create star image as well as portraying the significance of the barbie within our music video; it being the desirability of something fake and artificial, which is unrealistic, however imaginable. 

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