Monday 7 January 2013

Advertisment; font ideas

We realised, whist brainstorming that font is extremely important when constructing a magazine poster/album that must promote an album. It must be unique, eye catching, engaging but most of all reflect the artists ethos and some how portray what the artist is trying to say with their album/digipak. For our specific bands album advert we wanted something quirky and unique which reflects the bands aesthetic and what they are all about   being a modern indie/pop group. Therefore our font has to be fun and unique, so we were thinking for going with the comic/cartoon feel as this is a conventional quirky font, also it goes along nicely with the name of the album 'snakes and ladders', therefore being comical and fun.

This is one of the fonts i picked out and really like, i love the 3d effect as well as the wonkiness it has to it, i think this really embodies the bands look, fun, quirky and different. I also like the fact all the letters are capitals, which are larger, therefore engages the audience more as well as having a loud/shouty feel to it which indie/pop is all about, being different and eccentric. The only downside to it is that it might be a bit too chunky for an advert as there is not much space on a poster, and it would be hard to find a smaller font to say other information that wouldn't clash with it completely.

This is the second font i found on under the title 'comic' and i thought this was a really 'out there' eccentric font as the diversity between the lettering as well as the different colour and naturally different sizes. The other words bouncing off the letters also are really effective and bring that comical edge to the font, and i think this would suit our advert as it is fun and compliments the title of 'snakes and ladders.' However in the end we decided maybe this wasn't quite the right font as it is almost to loud and eccentric for our advert, we want something fun and quirky but not something to comical as this font specifically looks like it could be in a comic book which is not what were going for, because ultimately we want to promote a musical album. 

After deciding against the bigger, more accentric fonts we saw this one which caught our eye. We liked the simplicity of it as it is understated but is still quirky as it still has curviture and capital letters. It also reminded us of the first font we looked at but it took away the loudness of it, which would be more appropriate for a album promotion in a magazine as it will allow us to put alot of information on it but it wont be overcrowded. However we decided this font is too simple and not fun enough for the album we are promoting as after all the album name is 'snakes and ladders' so the font has to mirror the fun that is present in the title as well as the songs on the album. 

After much deliberation and brainstorming we came across this font, which we believe reflects the album perfectly. It has that comical 3d feel which represents indie/pop but to really enhance the name of the album 'snakes and ladders' the letters themselves look like snakes, therefore portraying a double dose of meaning which is effective in engaging our target audience, also it adds an extra fun aspect to our album and most importantly our advert. I think we are going to have the album name and bands name in this font as it will be very much engaging however the more formal information we will have in a more understated font like the one above as we need it to be a serious promotion therefore the audience need to be able to easily read it therefore we will be putting it either on a white/black background to really enhance the font and ultimately what it is saying. 

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