Thursday 10 January 2013

Changes we made to the ancillary products;

Today we focused on contrusting our ancillary products (the digipak and the advert) and whilst doing so, through the editing process we decided to change and improve a couple of things. For example the text on our digipak cover we deleted and changed as photoshop would not accept it, however in the end it was a positive change as our new text embodies the quirkiness and feel of our band, having a chalkboard/raw look.
Also we decided to change the image for our digipak cover as well as our advert as we took a new image which we got tremendous audience feedback from both from teachers and students.

This is our new image that we are using for the front of our digipak as well as our advert as we wanted to portray a sense of contuinity to both of our ancillary products and as this image has been highly praised and recommened we chose to  use it, as it will evidently engage our target audience. We specifically chose this image as for the advert we knew we wanted something dark to contrast with white text so inevitably we chose this image to descend into 2/3 blackness.

We believe that we have changed our products for the better through the strong influence of audience feedback as well as the effect the image has for an album cover as well as an advertisment for the album. Nevertheless we are still going to use the other images on our digipak as we know that they are still strong images to keep the quirkiness apparent however the effectivness of this image is no doubt perfect for our album cover as well as our album promotion.

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